Drew has suffered with joint issues and knee pain for some time. Up until 3 weeks ago, he was using different glucosomine products which helped. However, since drinking an ounce of Zrii 3x per day, he is experiencing no pain or discomfort!
After being tested through applied kinesiology (by my alternative physician), not only did that show strength on the product, but my doctor advised me to take more than
Thanks for everything.
Karen and Drew Scott
Unlimited Energy And Pain Free
I began drinking Zrii in November 2007. Previously to this I was constantly fighting fatigue, digestive pain and discomfort, and pain in both knees.
Since taking Zrii for the past 2 months I have noticed that my energy level is phenomenal. As for the flareup's of digestive discomfort, I have only had
Thank you!
June VanderMolen