Do you want to know how you can jump start your Zrii Business and make it to 7 Star by the end of September? Note: to learn how important that can be to you click here!
Consider this!
What if you could sign up 10 people with the $1,500 premium pack and 4 or 5 of those you signed up did the same. Then repeat this several times throughout your organization.
Sound impossible?
There ARE people who want to start their own businesses and if they knew “like you” that they could quickly make it to 7 Star by the end of September and be locked in to receive a share in the Founder’s Pool (for life) they could be highly motivated to make their first purchase of Zrii the “Premium Pack”. Especially if they knew that if THEY signed up 10 people with the Premium Pack “they too, like you” would receive $4,800 in Fast Start Bonus Money. Yep! You heard me right. How motivating is that???
As you can see by doing this, you would make back 3 times your original purchase of $1500.00. And from then on your monthly autoship will only be 2 cases of product (in order to qualify to receive the maximum 40% Fast Start Bonus Payout on everyone you sign up).
Not only that, but look at what YOUR organization would look like?
Well to start with, if you signed up 10 people with the premium pack, you would have $12,000 in product volume and would already be a 4 Star Executive. That’s half way to the 7 Star Ranking. Help several of those you signed up do the same and repeat this several times within your organization and you’ll make it to 7 Star in record time.
Remember, every one of YOUR People who sign up 10 people with the premium pack will also receive $4,800 in Fast Start Money. And don’t forget, each of these folks will also have the tools and product to grow their businesses quickly.
It only takes $100,000 in overall volume to become a 7 Star Executive. The only other requirements are that you have 3 legs, and 3/3 Star Executives (a 3 Star executive has to have only $5000 in volume) and no more than 60 percent of the $100,000 volume is in one leg. That’s it!
There are a couple of other things to consider also. When you sign up 5 people in one month, you are qualified to receive a share in the Bonus Pool. Sign up 10 people, you will receive 2 shares. These shares have been anywhere from $300 to $1400.00. If all 10 of these people joined in your first month, this money would be on top of the $4,800 Fast Start Money that you’ve made.
Note: To qualify for a share in the Fast Start Bonus Pool, enrollments only need a minimum $120 order on autoship. This can be a Preferred Customer or an IE.
Lastly as you help your people grow their businesses, you receive a matching Bonus on their unilevel checks. This Bonus depends on your rank, but as a 4 Star Executive you will make a 15% matching bonus, at 7 Star it’s 20%. So on top of your own unilevel check and on top of the Founder’s Bonus, you’ll receive a Matching Bonus on those you’ve personally enrolled. Sweet!
As always we welcome anyone who wants to join Zrii at any beginning purchase or monthly autoship level. However it’s always good to remember that by purchasing 2 cases of product on your monthly autohip you are qualified to receive the maximum 40% pay out on the 90 Fast Start Bonus (paid wkly) on everyone you’ve personally enroll.
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